Seeking: Research Associate in Sustainability Assessment

The Rocks 2000, Sydney, New South Wales

                    About the Position                  
                    Research Associate in Sustainability Assessment                    As part of the 2-year, full time position, the RA will manage and work on research projects and courses related to sustainability assessment, applied to areas such as biosolids recycling and other processes related to environmental  and circular economy. There is the possibility for teaching, which would include managing and delivering courses related to sustainability assessment and sustainable infrastructure.                    Deadline for applications is 19 th February 2023.                    
  • School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
                    Some industrial ecology candidates that are on the job market                    
  • Kun Peng
    Institute of Blue and Green Development, Shandong University
                no -- Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job advertiser.                
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  • Category: Education, Training
  • ID: 735651
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